The Confident Prayer of Faith
(Matthew 21:21-22)

It is both our privilege and obligation to pray to God with thanksgiving and praise. Since believers in Jesus has become the royal priesthood and thereby needing to perform the duty of a priest, we ought to give God an offering of thanksgiving and praise because of Jesus Christ. We also pray to God for the things we need aside from the prayer of thanksgiving and praise. Then how can we pray with confidence and faith to get answers to our prayers?

1. The relationship with God should be clear
1) Atheist and secular humanist do not pray for they have no belief in God’s existence.
2) Only God-centered people come to pray.
① God is the master of the whole Universe.
② God is also the master of every individual. Hence, all of my works and burdens belong to God.
③ God alone has the privilege to work.
- When creating the heavens and the earth or saving humans, God did it all by Himself.
④ Nothing is impossible with God Almighty.

2. In order to pray in faith
1) We shall believe in God Almighty, the Creator, with confidence.
2) We shall repent of our secular humanistic faith and do away with it.
① All things in the Universe are created by God so that they belong to God.
② My life is also not mine but God’s.
③ Both the beginning and the completion of works are within the full authority of God.
3) God accomplished everything by Himself.
① In Creation ② In salvation
③ Take off your shoes from your feet ? Take off the sovereignty of ownership and deeds.

3. Confident prayer
1) Understanding the love of God - Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find.
2) Nothing is impossible with God
3) God is my master and He takes care of all my works and burdens.
4) We do not possess things for which we did not ask ? God works only when we give prayer to Him.
5) Believe in God.
6) The fourth dimensional spirituality and waiting
① Realizing that works belong to God
② Hope and dream about things to be accomplished ? Continue to pray.
③ Do not be shaken but put your faith in God’s faithfulness.
④ Acknowledge and give thanks for things that do not yet exist.

We can enjoy true peace and happiness when we know and believe that Yahweh who made the earth, Yahweh who formed it and established it is our father and pray to Him with confidence and faith relying on God’s love and power.