On Easter
(1 Corinthians 15:3-8)

Except for Jesus, no other sages were resurrected from the dead. What makes Jesus totally different from other ordinary founders of religions is that He did not only teach the truth but He confirmed that He Himself is the truth by being risen again.

1. Why is the Savior needed?
1) Humans are spiritual beings like God and live for eternity.
- Therefore, we must be saved since we were decayed with sins and abandoned by God.
2) We ought to be released from the slavery of sins, inequities, diseases, curses, despair, and death which fell upon us as Adam committed a sin against God.
3) None of the descendants of Adam can be saviors due to the original sin.
- There had to come a new ancestor of humans.
4) The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world

2. Those who deny the resurrection of Jesus
1) Jesus did not die on the cross but just fell in a faint and awoke again as He was laid in a cool grave.
2) His disciples took Jesus’ body and lied that He was resurrected.

3. Evidences of the resurrection of Jesus
1) The accomplishment of prophecies
2) Two angels who gave testimony to female disciples who visited the grave at daybreak
3) Jesus appeared before Mary Magdalene.
4) Jesus appeared before two disciples who were going down to Emmaus.
5) Jesus appeared before 10 disciples on the first day of the week ? Tomas was not present.
6) A week later, He appeared to His 10 disciples while they were with Tomas.
7) He met with His disciples at the mountain in Galilee where He had told them to go.
8) He appeared before around 500 disciples when He was ascended.

4. Why did He have to be resurrected?
1) As evidence that He accomplished the mission of atonement, He came out of the prison of death.
2) As evidence that He disarmed the devil, the forces of death
3) As evidence that He overcame the punishment of Adam ? sins, inequities, diseases, curses, and Hades
4) To complete the prophecies in the Bible

If Jesus had not been resurrected, we would have still been the slaves to sins, Satan, and death, struggling in absolute despair. Thanks to the risen Jesus, however, we know for sure who we are and where we are going so that we can be released from the wages of sin, which are death, curses, diseases, inequities, and so on.