The Invisible Power
(Hebrews 11:1-3)

Electricity is invisible. However, electricity is an essential element in the civilized world of today. From sophisticated medical equipment to huge ships and sky-flying airplanes, most of equipment we use today cannot be in motion without electricity. Spiritual power is the same as electricity.

1. What is seen was not made out of what was visible
1) All the materialistic beings visible to our eyes are not made out of materials themselves.
2) The whole world is made out of invisible Word. * (Hebrews 11:3)

2. The invisible creative power
1) Thoughts, dreams, faith, and Word
2) As an architect builds a house as drawn in a blueprint, there come first thoughts, dreams, faith, and Word, through which everything is governed.
3) The Word of God is the thoughts, dreams, faith, and creative declaration of God.

3. The power to change our life and environment
- Our thoughts, dreams, faith, and words
1) We gain positive results by releasing positive energy.
- Based on the atonement of the cross
As we think, dream about, have faith on, and speak of forgiveness, holiness, healing, prosperity, and eternal life, they become invisible power bringing changes onto our lives and circumstances.
2) We create destruction and despair in environment by releasing negative energy.
- “It cannot be done.”, “I can’t do this.”, “I can’t live like this anymore.”, anxiety, worries, concerns, restlessness, despair, disappointment, hatred, grudge…
3) What fills our heart comes out of the heart in the form of energy.
- What creates the environment and future lies in thoughts, dreams, faith, and words.

4. The power of faith Jesus taught
1) The underlying power that made the fig tree wither is the Word of Jesus (Mark 11:14).
“May no one ever eat fruit from you again.”
- The power of thoughts, dreams, faith and Word of Jesus (Mark 11:20-24)
2) The power of faith as small as mustard seed (Matthew 17:20)
“if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
3) We possess the power to bring changes to our lives and environment.
① What kind of thoughts do we concentrate on?
② What kind of dreams we aspire to achieve?
③ Do you believe them to come true without doubts?
④ Do you speak of things that are not as though they were?
- These elements come to shape and start working as invisible creative energy.

Whatever we make, it takes raw materials. The raw materials of all are the invisible Word of God. The Word of God is revealed through our thoughts, dreams, faith, and declarations. As we possess the invisible energy of thoughts, dreams, faith, and words positively and rightly, we form our life, present, and future.