The Ultimate Thirst
(John 7:37)

Everyone has the ultimate thirst in heart, which is loneliness. The more one has enjoyed splendid fame, the more he feels a sense of futility and loneliness. Those who have struggled with loneliness, sadness, and futility sometimes make an extreme choice of committing a suicide.

1. Human loneliness caused by the sin of Adam
- Humans are created to live not feeling a sense of loneliness. Due to the sin of Adam, however,
1) Communication between God and humans was severed.
- We have been severed from the source of the water of life.
- We have become thirsty of faith, hope, love, righteousness, peace, joy, delight, and happiness.
2) Conflict between spouses
- A wife’s desire is for her husband, and a husband rules over his wife.
- There is a gap between ideals and reality.
3) Envy, jealousy, and murder among brothers
- Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
4) Complicated discord in human relations
- In the end, we always feel lonely.

2. Loneliness, the mental cold everyone feels
1) Everyone has thirst for God’s love unconsciously.
2) Being thirsty for unlimited understanding and love
① Between spouses ② Between parents and children ③ Between humans
3) A life of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
- There is conflict in judging values in life as one decides what is good or bad in a self-centered manner.

3. The loving Lord, the eternal water of life
1) He loves us indefinitely - Unlimited understanding, sympathy, forgiveness, and love.
2) His love never condemns nor criticizes.
- A woman caught in adultery and the judgment of legalists
The Lord who became the shelter in despair of limitless loneliness
3) Jesus who takes care of us from the beginning to the end

Even when we are abandoned in the world and feel lonely endlessly, Jesus’ faithful love never turns His back against us when we reach out for His hand of love. Even when we are thirsty with loneliness and despairs even of life, we can be resuscitated with the water of life because Jesus is with us.