Jesus’ Self-references
(John 14:6)

Humans do not know where they came from, what they are living for, and where they are heading towards. That is why humans are struggling with the despair of guilt, the despair of meaninglessness and futility of life, and the despair of death and nothingness. Jesus who came to the world from the Father in Heaven, however, had clear understanding of who He Himself was.

1. The way and the truth and the life
- "I am the way and the truth and the life." * (John 14:6)
1) The way
① The way of being forgiven and made righteous ② The way of holiness and fullness of the Holy Sprit
③ The way of healing and health ④ The way of Abraham’s blessings and prosperity
⑤ The way of resurrection and eternal life
2) The truth
① God, the creator who made everything in the Universe
② The one who is true and will judge everything in the Universe
③ The one who has become absolute hope
3) The life
① The one who overcame death
② The one who trampled down and disarmed the devil with power and authority of death
③ The one who is everlasting life

2. The light of the world
- "I am the light of the world." * (John 8:12)
1) The light which overcame darkness
2) The life which overcame death
3) Knowledge and wisdom which make humans realize what direction they ought to take
4) The power of blessings, joy, and happiness

3. Streams of living water
- "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." * (John 7:38)
1) The source of all forms of life

4. The true vine
- "I am the true vine." * (John 15:1)
1) Wine makes food tasty.
2) Wine gets people drunken.
3) We are branches attached to the vine so that we bear fruits by itself.

5. The bread of life
- "I am the bread of life." * (John 6:35)
1) Food for soul

6. The resurrection and the life
- "I am the resurrection and the life." * (John 11:25)
1) The power that overcame death
2) Eternal life, joy, and hope

Jesus’ self-references become blessings of life for us. The more we meditate on these verses in the Bible, the more we come to realize how precious, beautiful, and dear Jesus is to us.