How Should We Believe?
(Mark 11:20-24)

Money of heaven is faith. In this world people buy and sell, serve and are served. And all this things are done through money directly and indirectly. Money is the blood vessel of our economy. Likewise faith is money of heaven. Every single thing involved in heaven cannot be done without faith. Nevertheless, faith is misunderstood and misused.

1. The right understanding of faith
1) Our faith is given from birth as a function - Therefore no one is born without faith. * (Rom. 12:3)
2) Faith grows as we realize and understand God’s Word.
3) The Holy Spirit himself strengthens our faith.
4) Faith works through love.
- When we realize how high, deep, and wide God’s love is, our faith will be activated.

2. Faith is choice
1) Unbelief, doubt, fear, etc. are around us all the time.
But we choose to believe.

3. Faith is will
1) “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”
Martha was not resolved to believe.
2) A woman born in Syrian Phoenicia and her demon-possessed daughter experienced healing.
3) 10 spies had no one to rely on.

4. Great faith and little faith
1) Roman centurion’s faith - His lay at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering.
2) Peter’s faith which made him fall into water ? “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” * (Mt. 14:31)

People think their faith is useless because they believe their faith is either weak or nothing. The matter is neither you have weak faith nor have no faith. In fact, faith is given when we are born and it is enough if you have faith as small as a mustard seed. What matters is your understanding, choice, and will.