With Christ
(2 Corinthians 4:10-11)

We Christians do not become mature by making efforts on our own. The bible says, “Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he gave up his spirit.” on the cross just before He died. Since it is finished, there's nothing we can add to nor deduct from it. All we can do is to believe in and obey.

1. I have been crucified with Christ
1) Our old selves die together with Christ as we serve Him.
Also, we come to take part in the life of resurrection through the Holy Spirit.
2) The processes are as follows;
① We ought to realize.
② We ought to have wishes while dreaming about, praying for, and looking to the wishes.
③ Believe.
④ Declare that things are done as you wish them to be.

2. The law or the gift of grace
1) The Law asks us to become the master who takes responsibility for our actions.
- Adam tried to see what is good or evil on his own terms.
2) As Jesus our Lord takes up our burdens and works for us in our stead, we receive the outcome of His work as a gift. In other words, Jesus becomes our master taking the responsibility for us.

3. The miracle that we died and were resurrected together
1) Though I am full of sins and inequities, we bore our punishment through Jesus - Realizing the grace of atonement.
2) Imagine, look to, and dream about this truth.
3) Seek and believe in this.
4) Profess with your lips.

4. Apply this process to your life
1) For healing and health
2) For receiving the blessings and prosperity of Abraham
3) For resurrection and eternal life

Christianity is the religion of faith. It is to believe in what the Lord has already accomplished in our stead, obey Him, receive it as a gift, and give thanks.