Liberation and Freedom in Jesus
(Ephesians 2:1-10)

A building in which people come together and worship the Lord comes to our mind when we think of a church. However, a church is a meeting of those who believe in Jesus, the kingdom of Jesus, and the body of Jesus on earth. The kingdom of Jesus is the rules and authorities of Jesus in which we can enjoy liberation and freedom of Jesus that He bought for us at the price of His blood. Therefore, Galatians Chapter 5 Verse 1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery”. The devil has stolen, killed, and destroyed humankind as the price for Adam's sins but Jesus redeemed us of our sins through the atonement on the cross and dissolved the rules and authorities of the devil, that is the kingdom of the devil, and declared liberation and freedom for us. Therefore, we ought to believe in Jesus enjoying the five-fold gospel and the three-fold blessings.

1. The devil who rules the kingdom of the air
1) Who is the devil?
- One of the archangels God created (Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer)
2) The rebellion of Lucifer *(Isaiah 14:12-14, Revelation 12:4)
① A morning star, son of the dawn ② He resided in heaven conquering nations.
③ He became arrogant. *(Isaiah 14:13-14) ④ He was degraded. *(Isaiah 14:17)
3) He rules the kingdom of the air. *(Ephesians 6:12)
- As the ruler of the kingdom of evil, he has the rules and authorities.

2. The cross of Calvary, the spiritual warfare
1) For God to love the world so much like this - the atoning sacrifice for us
2) Humans became slaves to the devil due to humans' rebellion against God.
- As a price for humans' sins, the devil conquered and ruled humans.
3) Universal warfare
① The devil conquered and ruled humans with the rules and authorities of his kingdom.
② Jesus’ challenge and victory, the victory of the rules and authorities of Jesus’ kingdom *(Ephesians 1:20)
4) Universal reshuffling in power
① Putting off the rules and authorities of the kingdom of the devil *(Ephesians 2:1-6)
② The kingdom of Jesus wins.
- Possessing liberation and freedom of Jesus. The fruits of freedom and liberation are the five-fold gospel and three-fold blessings.
③ Demolishing the kingdom of the devil and gaining victory of the kingdom of Jesus *(Ephesians 6:12)

3. The new rulers and authorities in Jesus
1) To be ruled by Jesus and the Holy Spirit *(Ephesians 6:10-18)
2) As a gift of liberation and freedom from Jesus, we ought to enjoy the holistic salvation, putting off the sins and inequities, overcoming diseases and weakness, being freed from curses, and being delivered from death and Hades.

A church is a kingdom of the heaven governed and taken care of by the rules and authorities of Jesus. A church is the body of Jesus. Therefore, we ought to be liberated from the oppression and pain brought up by the devil when we come to a church. For God has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and the rules of the devil and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, we receive the redemption, i.e. the five-fold gospel and the three-fold blessings.