Those Who Are Weary and Burdened
(Matthew 11:28-30)

We seldom encounter with issues so significant that they determine the rise and fall of our lives. On the contrary, small and trivial issues always appear in our lives, making us feel hurt, stressed, not at ease, depressed and heavy.

1. Have a right relationship with God
1) Repent of your life fallen apart and make it right.
2) Remember God’s Word of covenant.
3) Reconcile with your neighbors who offended you.
4) Repent of the ten commandments you failed to keep.
5) Give thanks to God.

2. Who is the master of your life?
1) If I am the master of my life,
- As the master of one’s own who is also a slave, I should be held accountable for all the burdens of my life and take care of everything in my life.
2) If the Lord is my master,
- He takes responsibility for any burdens and works that belong to me and resolve all the issues for me.
- All I need to do is to let every work including myself be taken care of by the master, believe in Him, and give thanks to Him while waiting patiently.
3) The limitations to responsibilities of God and humans * (Jeremiah 33:2-3)
① Works belong to God.
② Humans ought to pray.
③ Humans let all the works to be taken care of by God, believe in Him, give thanks to Him, and wait.

3. Stand in the fourth dimension spirituality
1) Set the foundation of your heart on the atonement of the cross.
2) See that what you prayed to God has accomplished.
3) See things that are not as though they were.
4) Make a confession of the Word.

As the saying goes that, “Many a mickle makes a muckle.” or “Many teardrops make the Han River”, little worries and anxieties would turn into a storm and downpour if we leave them unattended.