The Creative Power of Spoken Word
(James 3:2-12)

God created the heavens and the earth with His Word. Jesus our savior is the Word of God becoming flesh. Humans are created in the image of God. The most excellent part of it is that humans can speak. Humans created their own worlds through words. Therefore, the lives of humans are inseparable from words. Words are the vibration of spiritual energy and the air. A Japanese scientist conducted a test which showed that this vibration transforms the molecules of water nearby. That is why the words we speak make us either sick or healthy because 60%of our body is made of water.

1. The influence of spoken word that James defines
1) Words control the whole body.
① Words and bits ② Ships and a rudder
2) Like setting it on fire by hell
① A great forest is set on fire by a small spark. ② Negative influence of the tongue
- The unrighteous world like fire tarnishes the whole body and burns up the helm of life with the fire in hell.
3) The tongue which cannot be tamed.
① The evil never rests. ② It is full of the poison of death.
③ Duplex features - praise and curse, sweet water and bitter water

2. The fourth dimension spirituality and the influence of spoken word
1) Controlling the thoughts
2) Leading imaginations and dreams
3) The decoy of doubts and faith
4) A seed that brings changes to the circumstance
- It colors the world in heart with positivity or negativity.

3. The creative power of spoken word
1) Names and the change
① Abram ? Abraham(the father of many nations), Sarai ? Sarah(the mother of many nations)
② Jacob - Israel
2) The Era of the New Testament
① Simon - Peter: the reed - the rock ② Saul - Paul: the distinguished - the lowly
3) To be saved
- “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
4) Create one’s thoughts and dreams contributing to making the circumstance
5) Tools with which one can fight against the devil - Means of revealing the grace and power of God

Negative and destructive words are the limbs of the devil. If we repeat the Word of God out loud, the power of God will be revealed. Our words are not only the means of communication but also the means of creating our mind and circumstances.