God Is My Shepherd
(Psalm 23:1-6)

A sheep without a shepherd is so hungry and thirsty that is cannot live long. Not only that, it falls a prey to wild animals. When it is raised by a shepherd, however, it shall not be in want any more. Under the protection of the shepherd, it lives safely in rich pastures and by cool and fresh streams where it is not in want. Its soul is full of energy, happiness, and joy while taking the ways of righteousness.

1. Jesus is my shepherd
- Plus life. Think in a positive way.
- Because Jesus is our shepherd.
1) The righteous life
2) The holy life
3) The healthy life
4) The Blessed life
5) The everlasting life in the kingdom of heaven becomes ours.

2. The valley of the shadow of death
1) The life of sins and inequities
2) The life of diseases and curses
3) The life of death and the Hades
- The rod and staff of Jesus on the cross at Calvary comfort us.
- The law of seeing becomes victory.
- Jesus who was likened to the snake of Moses

3. The table that He prepares in the presence of my enemies
1) Enemies’ attack is an opportunity through which God reveals His glory.
2) We can achieve huge victories through the works of the Holy Spirit.

4. Good and merciful God
1) Faith of absolute positivity

Human-centered people will surely fail. God-centered people live in overflowing grace. Jesus has finished everything.