Carrying Around in Our Body the Death of Jesus
(2 Corinthians 4:7-10)

It is thought and said that Jesus was killed by the rebellion of the Jews in conspiracy of the Roman Empire. However, the Holy Spirit of God teaches us to realize that the reason why Jesus suffered is totally different.
Jesus died in our stead carrying our sin and inequities, diseases and weakness, curses and poverty, and death and Hades. Therefore, we believers carry around the death of Jesus so that we embrace the life of risen Jesus in our body.
It means the death of Jesus in our stead makes us carry around in our body the life of Jesus’ resurrection. In other words, the true meaning of Jesus suffering on the cross is that the death of Jesus is my death and the resurrection of Jesus is my resurrection.

1. Hard pressed on every side, but not crushed
1) Though Elisha was hard-pressed by Aramean army in Dothan, he was not crushed.
① Elisha’s servant was in despair by looking at the reality.
② He was comforted receiving the prophesy of God
2) We are hard-pressed on every side by the devil our enemy.
① by sin ② by inequities ③ by weakness ④ by curses ⑤ by death
We are freed from them all through the death on the cross and resurrection.

2. Perplexed, but not in despair
1) I will fear no evil. (Psalm 23:4)
2) In the presence of my enemies (Psalm 23:5)
- He makes me stand up in the valley of the shadow of death or from the enemy who tries to kill me.
3) The Lord is my strength, boldness, and courage.
- A shelter from the wind, a refuge from the storm, streams of water in the desert, and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land

3. Persecuted, but not abandoned
1) Joseph was persecuted by his brothers and sold to Egypt as a slave.
2) He was persecuted by Potiphar’s wife and put in a prison.
- As God was with him, however, He blessed him and made him high.
3) When we are persecuted by the world, God loves us.

4. Struck down, but not destroyed
1) Though Jesus was killed, He was risen.
- If we are struck down because of Jesus, we will be rewarded by God who makes us rich.
2) Researchers say that spiritual revival of believing in God comes before the economic revival to every country that experienced economic revival.

Embracing Jesus the treasure in our lives of jars of clay, the death of Jesus and glory of His resurrection reveal in our lives.