I Think, and God Does
(Jeremiah 33:3)

For those who work with God, there is a principle that they must be aware of. That is, in our hearts we should think, dream about, have faith on, and make proclamation of what God does and achieves for us.

1. The principle of creation written in Genesis
1) The materialistic world destroyed
2) The Holy Spirit hovering on the waters
3) The creative command of God and Genesis
① God did think in a creative way and the materialistic world was created on His command.
② It was the Holy Spirit who actually bring reality into God’s thoughts.

2. In order to bring about creation or change
1) We ought to have creative thoughts first.
① The verse “The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” means that the Spirit of God was revealed through the thoughts, dreams, faith, and proclamation of humans.
② Humans become the vessel of God through the fourth dimensional spirituality.

3. The fourth dimension spirituality of David and the working of God
1) David’s thoughts ?he was confident a war belongs to God and God was with him.
2) David who dreamed of victory ? Though Goliath was thoroughly armed with sword, spear, and javelin, David came in the name of God.
3) David who believed in miracles - he went forward only with the tools of a shepherd.
4) Bold declaration ? I will cut off Goliath’s head and give his carcasses to the birds and the wild animals.

4. The Exodus of Moses and the working of God
1) We ought to control our thoughts. *(Exodus 14:10-14)
2) We ought to have dreams with clear goals. *(Exodus 14:15-20)
3) We ought to believe in miracles. *(Exodus 14:21-25)
4) We ought to make positive proclamation. *(Exodus 15:1-6)

If we are to work with God, it should be done through the fourth dimensional spirituality. As God is spirit, we cannot communicate with God through the five senses in the materialistic world. We can talk to God through the spirituality in our hearts. If we take God into our hearts through thoughts, through dreams and visions, through faith, and through confessions of faith, God would do the work for us.