The Faith That Entrusts Everything to God
(Jeremiah 33:1-3)

As the Israelites incited the wrath of God and consequently were on the brink of ruin by foreign invasion, Jeremiah the prophet was busy looking for ways of making the Israelites repent and saving his country. Then, God made him confined in the courtyard of the guard because Jeremiah struggled so hard in rescuing his country with human endeavors that he did not give a chance to God for doing His work.

1. God who made the earth
1) Working is God’s privilege.
2) God who works and establishes His plans.
- God created the heaven and the earth in 6 days.
- In creating the heaven and the earth, God did not receive anyone’s help.
3) On the sixth day, God created humans lastly.
- As humans were created, God’s work was done
- The 7th day of creation, the first day for humans, was the Sabbath day for God.
4) Humans were born not to work but to enjoy and rule over what God has established.

2. God who formed it and established it
1) The evilness of humans is the secular humanism - it is the arrogance of humans who want to be equal to God and exalt the sovereignty of God in determining what is good and evil.
2) Human sins and the judgment
① The soil is cursed. ② Humans have to toil and moil to make ends meet.
③ The pain of giving birth to offspring ④ Getting sick and dying

3. God who restores human beings
1) The birth of Jesus, the new ancestor of humankind
2) The pain of atonement by Jesus who became the atoning sacrifice
3) The birth of a new creation
4) The new way of living
① Obey in faith only
② Do away with making one’s own judgment in determining what is good or evil
③ Cry out to the Lord in prayer
④ Follow the guidance of God - God works and we enjoy and rule over the accomplishments of God
⑤ When a situation arise, call for God’s help and entrust it to God. - It is not me but God who establishes it.

There are so many works that belong to darkness. Evil works, works that arouse crimes, works that make people arrogant, economic activities, political affairs, good things, and bad things… Whatever they are, we must entrust them to God as God is able to renew anything good or evil.