Neither I nor You, but We
(John 6:5-13)

1. Jesus who is with us
1) Jesus is with us whether we walk through the waters or the fire. *(Isaiah 43:1-3)
2) The Lord who tested Philip - at the far shore of the Sea of Galilee, that is, the Sea of Tiberias.
① He tested Philip’s thoughts.
? In 1960, a sailor was found dead in a wine carrier from Portugal while unloading at the port in Scotland. The man was freezed to death in a refrigeration warehouse, which was not frozen, and there was even a reserve of provisions in the warehouse.
② Philip did not dream about feeding the crowd.
③ Philip did not have faith - there is no faith without doubt. Faith is to believe even though doubt arises.
④ The confession of lips - it holds the power to life and death.

2. See what is rather than what is not
1) Though Andrew saw that there were a vast number of crowd sitting in the desert, he did not lose his heart but found a child with a lunchbox.
2) Yahweh is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
3) Jesus gave thanks on what they have - blessings that come with thanksgiving.

3. God who tests us
1) The everlasting wellspring of positivity - the atonement on the cross at Calvary
2) The dream of being filled with the Holy Spirit and having one’s life renewed
3) Faith becomes resuscitated as much as one’s self dies.
4) Positive words

As I was nailed down on the cross and buried along with Christ, the Lord who has occupied me is Jesus. He is with us through the confession of our lips.