Plus Life
(Psalm 23:1-6)

Minus life is painful. Something that is lacking or insufficient means we cannot be satisfied. However, plus life fulfills what is lacking in our lives so that we can be joyful and happy.

1. The perfect world God created
1) The world that is pleasing to God’s eyes
① God created the world in six days.
② God said it was good five times. At last, He said it was very good.
2) Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

2. The devil who brought minus life
1) The fruit from the tree of knowledge of knowing what is good and evil is proclamation of humans who rebelled against God to live on their own.
2) Sin and death
- Awful minus life
① Spirits are dead.
② Life which went to pieces due to the temptation of the devil
③ The ground is cursed providing thorns and thistles and humans had to toil and moil to make their living.
④ As humans are dust, they will return to dust.
3) The existence of humans
① The despair of feeling guilty
② The despair of nothingness and meaninglessness
③ The despair of death and nothingness
- Hope is necessary for humans living minus life.

3. The gospel that adds hope
* (Luke 4:18-19)
1) Good news to the poor
2) Freedom for the prisoners
3) Recovery of sight for the blind
4) Setting the oppressed free
5) Proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor

It is God’s will that make us not be in want. If we walk with and believe in Him, God will make all of these affairs plus for us though we face a serious of minus affairs in life like the valley of death and attacks from enemies.