“If I Perish, I Perish”
(Daniel 3:13-18)

There are many people who say they believe in God but lead their lives in an absentminded and humanistic way, are self-centered in everything they do, try to derive benefits from whatever they do, and adamantly turn their backs on anything burdensome or harmful to them. Those who have lukewarm attitudes in faith seek for God’s help when facing difficulties but they realize that God has closed His ears to their crying a long time ago.

1. The absolute faith that God wants
1) Loving God absolutely
- Our love towards God who loves us absolutely
- Abraham’s love
2) Absolute faith on God
- Abraham who believed in resurrection even when he gave Isaac as a burnt offering
3) Faith and love are just like engaged wheels.

2. “If I Perish, I Perish”
1) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego * (Daniel 3:13-18)
2) The fourth man, the Son of God * (Daniel 3:22-30)

Love and faith are just like the palm and the back of one’s hand. If we love someone, we come to believe him. And if we believe someone, we come to love him. God believes us with His absolute love. We ought to believe Him with absolute love.