My Refuge and My Fortress, My God, in Whom I Trust
(Psalm 91:1-16)

The secret to winning in life lies in concisely realizing how God takes care of us in our daily life, taking God to heart, and marching forward with Him.

1. Yahweh is my refuge
- When we are attacked from every circumstance in life, go through pain, and face danger, we can avoid suffering only when we know God in our heart, fix our eyes on and believe in God, and proclaim our faith in God who is our refuge.
1) A shelter from the wind
2) A refuge from the storm
3) Streams of water in the desert
4) The shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land
- If we truly think like that, look to Him and believe in Him and shout out our belief, God becomes our true refuge.

2. Yahweh is my fortress
1) He is an impregnable fortress. Jesus Himself is the fortress of the kingdom of heaven.
2) Being crowded with enemies, Jesus becomes the forgiveness of sins, the rock fortress of holiness, the living water of healing and health, the fortress against attacks of poverty, hunger, and curse, and resurrection and eternal life and the kingdom of heaven.
3) Where there is Jesus, there is the fortress of God. Jesus has accomplished everything offering His life as a sacrifice.
4) Think about Jesus becoming the fortress, look to the hopeful dreams, believe, and speak.
Then, Jesus becomes the fortress standing tall amidst empty, chaotic, disordered, and devastated circumstances.

3. Yahweh is my God in whom I trust
- In Christian belief, we are saved by trusting the Lord’s help as He sacrificed Himself to be an offering on the cross on behalf of human beings.
1) We ought to trust God for getting rid of sins and inequities spiritually.
2) The righteousness, peace, and love in heart control the other dimensions.
3) We are freed from the thorns in heart and flesh, i.e. diseases, by counting on the Lord.
4) We are freed from curses by counting on God.
5) We received eternal life, resurrection, and the kingdom of heaven by counting on the Lord entirely.

The new theology asserts that the bible is man’s work incorporating the Word of God. It also denies the absoluteness and inerrancy of the bible and criticizes the bible through the lenses of human reason and science. This movement has destroyed the churches in Europe.