The New Discovery about Jesus
(Psalm 91:1-8)

Bright lamp exists only where there is darkness. One comes to realize the value of food only when hungry.

1. Jesus who stilled the storm
1) Amazement about the rest of Jesus
2) Even the wind and waves yield to Jesus

2. Jesus, the Healer
1) The demon-possessed
2) The physically sick

3. Jesus who fed the hungry
1) Jesus who made the fisherman catch a large number of fish
2) Jesus who fed 5,000 men and tens of thousands of women with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish

4. The evidences of holistic salvation
1) He forgives people’s sin.
2) He drives away demons and cures of diseases.
3) The Lord who feeds the hungry - Do not forget the benefits of the Lord in Psalm 103.

As Jesus went through enormous sufferings and overcame them easily, we realize the divine nature of Jesus. Just like this, Jesus is with us when we are in trouble and deliver us from it so that we can have first-hand experience on the power and grace of Jesus, and get blessed to know and preach Him.