The Fight against the Devil
(Ephesians 6:10-18)

We ought to be fully ready to win the spiritual war against the devil. The devil is not a material being but an invisible enemy behind the scenes. Nonetheless, it exerts undue influence in our reality. The bible tells us about the fight as follows (Ephesians 6:12-13).

1. Buckle the belt of truth around your waist
1) We ought to know the will of God clearly.
- If waist is weak, the whole body becomes weak.
- We ought to stand upon God’s Word and will and truth and buckle the belt around our waist so that we can fight against the false attacks of the devil.
2) The devil gives negative pressure on us through circumstances and senses.
- We should not be swayed by the wind and waves.
- We should desperately resist the devil standing on the Word of God.

2. Put on the breastplate of righteousness
- The breastplate to be put on the breast is to preserve the status of mind.
1) Hope and dream, joy and peace, and thanksgiving and praise should not be taken away from us.
2) We ought to tear down the walls standing between God and us through repentance.
3) We ought to be absolutely positive, not thinking negatively.
- In other words, anxiety, fear, depression and frustration, etc.

3. Fit your feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace
1) Rely firmly on the grace of the redemption of Jesus’ cross.
2) Resort solely to the help of the Holy Spirit.
3) Be assured that the power and authority of the devil are abolished on the cross.

4. Take up the shield of faith
1) Fight against the threat and false fire arrows of the devil.
2) Dream about victories.
3) Stand on the Word of God through prayer - faith without the Word of God is in vain.
4) Believe in miracles.

5. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit
1) Use offensive weapons.
2) The helmet of salvation is the fourth dimensional spirituality - mobilize thoughts, dreams, faith, and confessions of faith.
3) The sword of the Spirit is the profession with the lips - the Holy Spirit works in accordance with the words we speak.

What lies behind the reality is the spiritual war. What was made in the invisible world comes to appear in reality.