God Said
(Genesis 1:1-5)

Words are not just for conversing with each other. The importance of words lies in that it is a tool for creating and controlling things. God created and has been controlling the whole Universe through the Word.

1. The Word and the creation of the world
1) God created the heavens and the earth with His word. *(Genesis 1:1-25)
2) God created human beings in His image and in His likeness.
① He created humans as spiritual beings so that they can live forever.
② Humans ruled over all the creatures and the ground through word.
③ Numerous wonders and miracles in the old testament were accomplished through the Word of God.
④ Abraham was blessed by the Word.

2. The Word and the works of Jesus
1) He defeated the devil’s temptation in the desert with the Word.
2) He healed countless sick people with the Word.
3) He silenced the wind and waves.
4) He conquered the nature - a fig tree dried up to the root.
5) He made the dead alive through His word.
6) He saved a thief on the cross just before taking the last breath.

3. The Word and the disciples’ testimony to the gospel
1) It is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
- The confession of Peter
2) Miracles were accomplished through word.
① When Peter healed a man crippled from birth beside the temple gate called Beautiful
② The death of Ananias and Sapphira

4. The Word and our faith
1) We are saved through the confession of the Word.
2) Resist the devil with the Word.
3) Grow the faith with the confession of the Word.
4) Bless and curse humans with the word.
5) The word and sacrifice of thanksgiving

We ought to use beautiful words to create and control the environment beautifully. For us to receive the grace of God, there must be the confession with the lips. There must be the confession in the lips to be strong and courageous. If we command the blessings to come to us with the lips, blessings come. It is also the same with curses. We are tied up with the word and caught up with the word of the lips.