Those Who Are Weary and Burdened
(Matthew 11:28-30)

Existentialists today define life as the malady of death, a hopeless being. But Jesus our Savior calls humans as those who are weary and burdened.

1. Why are human beings in despair?
1) Adam’s rebellion and the judgment
2) Humans who inherited despair

2. The passion and atonement of Jesus
1) Being weary and burdened
- Sins and inequities, physical and mental diseases, curses and poverty, death and Hades
The burdens to the death suspended from our necks by the devil
2) A farmer who teaches how to plow
- He puts a yoke on a cow with all the heavy burdens on it.
Though a calf comes under the yoke of the cow, the yoke does not reach the calf’s neck.
- When the cow starts plowing, the calf just follows the cow with ease and lightness as it does not feel any burden on its shoulders.

3. The new creation in Christ
1) The grace given to us as a free gift at the cross
① Five-fold gospel
② Three-fold blessings
2) The way of enjoying the spiritual grace - the fourth-dimensional spirituality
① Positive thoughts
② Dreams and visions with clear goals
③ Faith
④ Proclamation of creative words

When the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and nations, societies, families and individuals are in that state, it is the Holy Spirit who gives us the resuscitating hopes.