The Three Ways to Overcome Suffering
(2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

No one is free from sufferings. We have gone through all kinds of sufferings large and small in the course of our lives. Sometimes sufferings destroy us. But some of us have overcome sufferings well enough. We can take three kinds of attitude toward suffering.

1. The human-centered attitude toward suffering
1) A person who regards himself as the master of his own life
- If one tries to deal with suffering on his own, he will either end up in Pyrrhic victory or in a defeat that ruins both himself and his family.
2) A person who lay the suffering at the door of others with resentment, complaints, anger, and condemnation.

2. The low stage of faith in coping with suffering
1) Defining suffering as evil that harasses us
2) Fighting against sufferings whole-heartedly
3) Seeking God’s help in prayer
- Looking for God’s help with self-centered mind

3. The high stage of faith in overcoming suffering
1) Serving God as one’s master and entrusting Him with all kinds of suffering
2) Acknowledging that there is God’s will behind the sufferings
① Disciplinary action
② Repentance
③ Discipline of perseverance
④ Refining of faith
3) Positive attitude toward suffering
- My suffering is good for me.
- Suffering brings about blessings that are equivalent or superior to it.
- God prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. God anoints my head with oil; my cup overflows.
4) Discipline that makes us overcome the world of the flesh and live in the kingdom of heaven.

Though we cannot avoid sufferings, there are several stages in coping with sufferings. Sufferings can discipline us with great benefits if we have the right attitude toward sufferings. But sufferings can also hurt both of our heart and body deeply if we do not deal with us in a false way. We can either transform sufferings into thanksgiving and good medicine or complaints and poison.