The Lesson Abraham Teaches
(Genesis 12:1-5)

We call Abraham the ancestor of faith. But his life hasn’t been all that smooth. He was tested fiercely in order to learn faith and obedience so as to receive unlimited blessings.

1. The start of the new life
1) Going away form ? "your country, your people and your father’s household"
2) Coming toward ? "the land I will show you"

2. The hardship of the new life
1) All the relatives and slaves he brought from his hometown left him due to a famine.
2) The hardship Abraham went through in Egypt due to his nephew, Lot.
3) After returning to Canaan, he had an argument with his nephew over the pasture of his ranch.

3. Coming out from the tent and looking up at the heaven
1) Come out from the tent of reasons, senses, secular humanism, and materialism.
2) Have a dream counting the stars in the heaven.
① When we start having a dream, we also start to have faith.
② When we have faith, God consider us as righteous.
③ For dreams and faith to bear fruits, there must be the confession on the lips.
: Hagar and Ishmael
: Abram ? Abraham, Sarai - Sarah
④ Isaac, the son of faith

4. The ultimate objective of life and love
1) Lead a life putting God first in every aspect.
2) The absolute love toward God
- He sacrificed his one and only son Isaac in the region of Moriah..
Confirmation of his love toward God

God taught Abraham about dreams, faith, positive confession of lips, obedience, and devotion, through which He blessed Abraham and gave him many descendants.