(Ephesians 2:8-9)

There is hope for the future only for those saved. Humans, the descendants of Adam, are desperate beings doomed to face the judgment and the death as they are slaves to sin. For the desperate to gain hopes, they need to receive salvation. How can we be saved from this malady of death?

1. Salvation is given only by the grace of God
1) Salvation is so valuable and precious that it cannot be bought, even at the price of the Universe.
2) We were bought at the expense of the life of the Son of God.
3) We are saved by the favor of the giver regardless of the qualifications of the receiver.
4) There is no price tag attached to the grace of salvation in the kingdom of heaven.

2. The only way to gain salvation is faith
1) Believing in Jesus’ work of salvation
2) Obeying the guidance of the Holy Spirit
3) Faith is to think, see, believe, and acknowledge things that are not as if they were.
4) All of us have faith.
- Salvation is not the fruits we could bear through fasting, hard work, nor discipline. Rather, it is completely the gift given by grace through believing in Jesus wholeheartedly.

3. So that no one can boast
1) If one’s work is involved, salvation is considered to be given in return for the work causing the one to boast.
2) Salvation is not man-based religion or philosophy.
3) Salvation is the gift of God.
① Salvation does not require any reward.
② Just believe and receive it thankfully.
③ When receiving a gift, all one has to do is to thank the giver and happily receive it.

Nothing is more precious than salvation in the human world. People tend to think that they need to go through celibacy, asceticism, and all sorts of sacrifices in return for receiving salvation. But salvation is accompanied by only two words, grace and gift. Salvation is a free gift given by the favor of the giver. We can be saved by faith, and faith only.