Guarding our heart
(Romans 8:28-39)
Why do we need to guard our heart? It is because everything depends on our heart fundamentally ranging from whether our life becomes a blessing or not, whether we are joyful or not, to whether we are depressed or happy. Therefore, we ought to guard our heart well so that it shall not succumb to evilness, sins, and pride turning away from God.
1. My righteous one will live by faith

1) Living by faith is to entrust God with problems, believe in Him in faith and give thanks to Him before calculation on how to figure out how to solve the problems.
- We pray and let the Lord do the calculation.
2) The event of feeding the crowd with bread in the wilderness
2. Pass through the wilderness by faith

1) God makes us go through the wilderness where humans cannot survive on their own before entering into the land of Cannan where milk and honey flow.
2) The people of God live by faith.
① To make people realize that we cannot survive without God while going through hardships that lay beyond our imagination.
② The miracles of life is a natural phenomenon, not an abnormal one.
③ Where there is a hardship, there is also a miracle helping us overcome it. Do not pull back.
- Read the Bible, meditate on it, and believe that miracles will surely happen.
3. Experience miracles by the word of faith

1) We are tied and untied by the words coming from our mouth.
2) We create neighbors and the circumstances by words.
① A silkworm forms its house with threads coming out of its mouth.
② We create a house for ourselves with the words that come out of our mouths.
There are various ways of living and controlling our lives. We think of, dream about, believe in, and speak about the third dimensional circumstances. They are, however, not miraculous. If we live in the fourth dimension having a fourth-dimensional mindset, the Holy Spirit works on miracles that make our dreams in heart come true. The fourth-dimensional spirituality refers to God and humans living together as friends.