There is light in darkness
(2 Corinthians 4:7-10)

1. Meeting the Lord by obeying the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.?

- Being inspired by the grace of the Holy Spirit that passes us by like gentle wind in the midst of beautiful tranquility, we come to realize that Jesus is our savior and receive the grace of salvation by believing and welcoming Jesus.

2. Meeting the Lord in a family of faith

- Thanks to the tradition of faith handed down from generation to generation, one believes in Jesus and is saved without undergoing difficulties.

3. Meeting the Lord in extreme hardships.

1) Meeting with Jesus who never condemns us but forgives us and makes us righteous while enduring pain of guilt.
2) Meeting with Jesus who makes us clean through major inequities of us.
3) Meeting with Jesus, the healer, while being in pain due to diseases great and small
4) Meeting with the Lord who makes us prosperous while suffering from poverty and hunger.
5) The Lord of life makes His appearance when we go through the pain of death.
- Jesus has come to us to solve our problems and save us. Therefore, where there is a problem, there is the Lord with us. And where there is death, there is the Lord of life with us.
- We meet with the Lord of liberation and freedom when harshly pressed on every side. We meet with the Lord who never puts us in despair when perplexed and under pain. We meet with Jesus, our friend who never abandons us when persecuted. We also meet with the Lord who never let us destroyed when struck down.

As we also go through the sufferings of Jesus on the Cross, we can receive the life of Jesus' resurrection and meet with the risen Christ. At night, we experience the light. When cold, we experience the warmth. When hungry, we come to enjoy delicious food. Though we are surrounded and suppressed by problems at all times, they also take us to Jesus who delivers freedom and liberty to us.?