The resurrection
(1 Corinthians 15:1~8)
Spring is the season of resurrection. Throughout fall and winter, all the plants become dry and devoid of vitality while death has the control over fields and mountains. Once spring comes, however, the fields and mountains are full of living water and vitality. The life and beauty of resurrection arise from the songs of hopes.
1. The death caused by sin
1) There was no death while death conquered human kind paying the price of Adam's degradation.
2) Death is not natural. Humans were subjected to this unnatural punishment due to their sins.
2. The resurrected Jesus who overcame death
1) There's no reason for Jesus to face death as He never committed a sin.
Jesus went through the suffering of death as He took up the sins and death in humans' stead.
2) The argument regarding the rise from the dead of Lazarus, who had been dead for four days
(John Chapter 11).
① The argument between Jesus and Martha regarding resurrection
“Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
3. The prophesies about Jesus
* (Isaiah 53:1-12)
1) I have finished it all.
2) The new humankind: those who are saved * (Psalm 103:1-5)
3) There greatest news to humankind in the world is that Jesus has risen, overcoming death.
4) Humans can overcome death as well because Jesus won a decisive victory against the devil's interference and schemes, which allowed us, the believers, to enjoy the victory.
It is awful even to think of not being saved and being swept to the Hades just like files of garbage. Regardless of our gender, age, richness or class, we ought to be glad joyfully for the resurrection of Jesus and love Him dearly.