Vain hope or true hope?
               (Ecc. 1:1-11)

When a man loses hope and sink into the pit of vain hope, he either commits a suicide in despair or live as if he is already dead. The devil takes away hopes from our hearts. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The Holy Spirit, however, gives us life through the grace of redemption. If vain hope is like withered flowers, true hope is like roses bursting into blossom.

1. The two gates opened before us
1) The gate of vain hope
- The gate we inherited from Adam
The gate of sins and inequities, diseases and pain, despair and hunger, the Hades and destruction
2) The gate of hope God has opened for us
- The gate of freedom and liberation Jesus has opened for us
- Jesus paid off the debt of Adam and He Himself has become the gate of freedom and liberation for us.
3) When Jesus comes, He liberates us inwardly and makes us free outwardly.

2. The death and resurrection of Jesus is my death and resurrection
* (2 Co. 4:10)
1) In order to be saved
- Do ... in order to receive ..., one has to pay the price.
2) All one has to do to be saved is to believe.
- The Cross of Jesus and "Te telestai" (I have paid it off)
3) The living water and living spirit, the Samaritan woman at the well
- There shines the light of hope out of vain hope.

3. There is still hope
? A woman who was suffering from bleeding for twelve years and was dying in vain hope.
1) The news of blessings and hope
2) The grace of living spirit brought up by hope
① Positive thoughts
② Hopeful dreams
③ Faith that expects for miracles
④ Confession of life
- Jesus who has come to meet us

Jesus is not a religion but the hope of life. He is the light of hope from now till forever. There is no shadow of vain hope. There is hope.