I will be with him in trouble
                (Psalm 91:15-16)

The deceased professor Younghee Jang wrote a book titled 'the miracles in the past and future', saying that all of us carry a bag with our destiny in it. Inside the bag, there are black and white stones which are equal in number. It means everyone has to embrace not only good things but also difficult and daunting problems in life. All of us have to cross valley at some point of our lives. Job chapter 14 verse 1 says, “Mortals, born of woman, are of few days and full of trouble." We are all born with a naval of suffering.

1. Suffering is a rod leading us to repent
- When we are stricken by the rod of suffering, we come to repent, realizing that the suffering is self-inflicted.
- The sin of being negligent of reading the Bible and praying to God

2. Suffering leads us to pray to God
- Suffering leads us to pray to God for His help.
- Suffering leads us to repent our sins of pride and arrogance.

3. Suffering breaks us to be humble
- Suffering breaks us to be humble and gentle.

4. Suffering makes us experience the grace of God
- When we suffer, God makes us receive His grace so that we can overcome that suffering.
- My grace is sufficient for you.

5. Suffering makes us realize what is precious the most in our lives
- The fire accident I encountered at the Hotel in LA during a prayer rally.

Suffering cultivates us to be humble and to have sympathy with those who are in suffering as well. While in suffering, we also come to realize that suffering has the power to transform us to live in harmony with others instead of caring for our own needs only. We eventually understand that suffering is an angel wearing a mask who brings us blessings when we take suffering positively.