If you pray, you will win

Praying is an ordinary man’s way of seeking help from God, the King of the heaven and the earth. The Lord taught His disciples of how to pray in many ways. The story of an unjust judge and a widow is one of the stories through which the Lord taught on how to pray.

1.?Prayer and losing one’s heart
1) Doubts on the powers of God
2) Ignorance of the love of God
- Lack of faith in overcoming both sensuous and circumstantial difficulties
2.?Preparedness in heart
1) Firm determination in one’s thoughts
2)?Having a clear dream
3) Having an indomitable faith
4) Putting all of one’s heart and strength in prayer ? fast prayer, praying all night
5) Continue to say out loud that one’s prayer request will be answered
3.?Patience and answers
- Be patient to the point where the devil is in pain.
1) The words of an unjust judge
2) He succumbed to the indomitable prayer of a believer
3) God is different from the devil.

We ought to seek for the Holy Spirit’s help and put our faith in the good God.