To change my life
(Psalm 1:1-6)

Psychologist David J. Lieberman wrote in his book 'Instant Analysis' that "We become what we think who we are. You are what you thought you would become. If you want to be a different person tomorrow, you can do so by changing your thoughts." If you think negatively, you become negative. If you think of getting defeated, you would be a loser. Even though we are poor and in sufferings today, if we keep our heart and look to dreams and hopes, we can lead our life in that direction. Though we can see nothing, hear nothing, and grasp nothing, we ought to realize that God has given us sufficient grace in all things we do and think, dream of, believe in, and proclaim it. If we do so, our life will be in abundance as the Bible says and as we think. Sometimes we are with things that we do not want to happen to our lives. Sometimes we have storm, downpour, or thirsty land of pain in our lives, which makes us so weary and sad. As Galatians Chapter 6, Verse 7 says, "A man reaps what he sows." we ought to consider what kind of seed of thoughts, words, and actions we plant in the field of heart.
1. What kind of seed of thinking do we plant?
1) Evil thinking
2) Sinful thinking
3) Arrogant thinking
4) Thoughts of greed and avarice
2. Present your request with thanksgiving and praise to God
1) When faced with diseases and suffering in body and soul, the way to avoid negative thinking is to give thanksgiving and praise to God.
3. Take faith as the resource of life
1) Faith that makes dead Lazarus revived
2) The reasons why we can put faith in God
① He is Almighty ② His absolute love
4. Hear and say positive remarks
1) Words are the living water and breath of life - the power and miracle of resuscitating one overflow along with words.
Our heart is the field where we plant our destiny. We plant the fruits to bear tomorrow in the field of our heart. When thoughts, words, actions move our heart, they become the agent of change that shapes our destiny. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”(Proverb 4:23)