Jesus who stills the wind and the waves
(Mark 4:35-41)
Jesus who stilled the sea of Galilee of wind and waves
1. The world of the third dimension and the world of the fourth dimension
1) The third dimension is a materialistic world controlling the worlds of first and second dimensions.
2) There is no world above the third-dimensional world. The fourth-dimension, which is a level higher than the third-dimension, does not exist.
3) For convenience's sake, however, we call the world of the Holy Spirit as the fourth-dimensional world as there exists a spiritual world and the Holy Spirit controls a materialistic world.
4) The fourth-dimension controls the third-dimension.
2. The disciples who suffered from the wind and the waves and Jesus who controlled them
1) Being a part of the third-dimension, disciples were the slaves of waves.
2) Disciples did not realize that they belonged to the spiritual, fourth-dimensional beings.
3) Jesus who were asleep
- Jesus who are in the fourth-dimension is already in control of wind and waves.
- As Jesus is existentially fourth-dimensional, He was not shaken by the wind and waves.
4) The word of Jesus itself has a controlling power
- The third-dimensional waves immediately subdued by the fourth-dimensional order
3. The real existence of human beings
1) The word of Jesus and Nicodemus
- Jesus said that being born again means one ought to change the dimension he belongs
A third-dimensional person cannot understand the spiritual fourth-dimensional world.
2) Once being born again and transformed into a holy person, one will be able to understand the world of the Holy Spirit
3) A person's spirituality emerges once being born again.
The work of controlling the fourth-dimension s revealed through
① Thoughts ② Dreams ③ Faith ④ and proclamation of the words
The fourth-dimensional world possesses creative power. God of Trinity is an eternal dimension. To make it easy to understand and speak, the world created by God is a third-dimensional world while the world of God the Creator is called, for convenience sake, as a fourth-dimensional and eternal world. Therefore, God Himself as well as His existence is above the fourth-dimension. Once a person is being born again, his spirit is resuscitated so that he might belong to the fourth-dimensional spirituality and finally control the third-dimensional world. And then, amazing things will happen.