Mind Attitude
(Prov. 4:20-27)

Si-Seop Kim is a scholar lived in the era of the Joseon Dynasty. In his book titled 'Maewoldang', he tells a story of a snake hunter who was bitten by a venomous snake. He first thought that he was scratched against a tree and didn't even think about getting treatment. Time went by without him feeling any symptoms or pain. On his way back home, however, he met another snake hunter who told him that he was bitten by a poisonous snake. The hunter, who was completely fine a minute ago, died immediately as a result of getting poisoned. Si-Seop Kim says, "A person become ill as he is afraid of getting sick and contemplates on it". Depending on our mind attitude, we could die immediately after getting beaten by a poisonous snake or we could be just fine.

1. Do not give up hope
- Our life is determined by what kind of mind attitude and thoughts we have.
Therefore, we ought to control our mind and do not give up on hope to overcome various kinds of hardships and sufferings, and lead a happy life.
1) Do not be afraid - fear is the flag of the devil. Resist the devil (Job 3:25).
2) Think positively - Elisha and his servant who were under siege at Dothan.
2. Perspective on the world
- Change self-image from negative one to the regenerated one in Jesus
- See the world with the eyes of faith
3. It is finished
1) Be assured of the grace of redemption
2) Believe and give thanks to Jesus

“A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit”
(Proverbs 15:13)