When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
(Psalm 23:4)
In our life, we walk through the valley of the shadow of death on a daily basis. While the price for sin is death, we are all sinners and sinners cannot stand before God. That's why we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Jesus says 'I am the light of the world' and those who turn their backs against Jesus cannot see the light.

1. The valley of the shadow of death
- Light displays God, the basis of living water and living spirit.
1) God makes those He loves walk through the valley of despair with no hope. Through that experience, God makes them realize whether they truly love Him or not. They also come to learn how valuable the light is.
2) Humans create various forms of light and take delight under the light. However, artificial gloss fades away eventually over time (John 3:19)
3) God is the only light. Through Jesus' redemption on the Cross, God shines the everlasting light of hope for us.
2. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
1) There flows fear. Fix your eyes on Jesus.
① The Bible repeatedly says not to fear for 365 times.
② Love gives us faith and drives out fear.
2) Those who love Jesus come out to light and those who are fond of the devil seek darkness.
3. I will fear no evil
1) If one's heart is filled with fear, he becomes a slave to the devil and suffers greatly (Job's testimony)
- He does nothing but steals, kills, and destroys.
2) The Holy Spirit walks with and blesses those who worship and give thanks to Jesus of the Cross. One comes to have peace and faith in mind. He receives life to the full.
4. Jesus came to liberate us
1) Jesus liberates the believers from the kingdom and sovereignty of the devil.
2) They receive freedom from the oppression of the devil, the oppression of mind and flesh, diseases, pain, anxiety, fear, despair, frustration, hatred, grudge, and various diseases (Gal 5:1)
3) The Lord's proclamation of gospel - Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing (Luke 4:16-21)
Jesus was sent to the world as the light. Light gives us life, hope, joy, and pleasure. Mountains and streams, plants and grass receive the light, produce and store nourishment through carbon dioxide assimilation of the leaf. Animals and human beings eat the nourishment indirectly. Therefore, we eat on the light in the world. Spiritually speaking, we eat on the light of the words of Jesus, our light. We will die physically and spiritually without being fed with light. Jesus is the life for us.