Jesus tested Philip
(John 6:1-13)

We are bound to take a test anytime. People take a test to go to an advanced school, to get a better job, or to get a higher salary.
1. Philip who focused only on the problem
- He did not think positively that there is nothing impossible with Jesus.
- We ought to believe that not only the desert was overcrowded with people, Jesus was also there.
? Preparations to feed the crowd
1) A big crowd was gathered.
2) It costs a lot of money - very quick at calculation
3) There was nowhere to buy bread - He focused on the problem while forgetting that Jesus was with Him.
2. Andrew who looked unto Jesus
- Andrew who presented the solution to the problem voluntarily.
1) He had a definite hope that he was with Jesus, the son of God.
2) Jesus can feed the crowd with only five barley loaves and two small fish.
3) He took Jesus into account
4) Plant and harvest
? A Widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings Chapter 17
3. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches
1) Jesus who works.
2) We, the branches, ought to be attached to Jesus, the vine.
- Being attached to Him in faith
4. Believe in this way
1) Think about the grace of the Cross
2) Look to the dreams always
3) Believe in miracles without having doubts
4) Make a positive and creative proclamation

God tests us and blesses us.