The prayer of faith
(James 1:5-8)

The prayer in faith with assurance is surely answered. In order to pray like this, we ought to know God's will for sure. Romans chapter 10, verse 17 says, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ."

1. God's will manifested in His word
1) While reading the Bible
2) While listening to His words
- The difference between logos and rhema
2. God's guiding us through the desires of our hearts
1) Among joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure, one of the feelings are led by the other through strong obsession
3. God's hand manifested in our circumstances
1) Apostle Paul who was led by circumstances - like the branches fluttered in the wind
4. God's guiding us through dreams and or visions
1) As Apostle Paul came near to Damascus, he saw a vision in the daylight and also saw that he regained his vision by Ananias imposing his hand on Paul
2) Apostle Paul's vision - at the house of Simon the tanner

God has His will for the group we belong to as well as for me. God is the one who prepares. In order to pray in a successful way, we ought to know God's will. We can believe that our prayers are answered as God listens to us if we ask in His will no matter what the request is.