Condemnation and Judgment
(John 8:1-11)
Jesus did not say that the woman caught at the scene of adultery was not guilty. He acknowledged that she committed a sin to be stoned to death. But He was looking for a person entitled to judge the woman. The woman was guilty of breaking one of the Ten Commandments. What was left to be done was to stone the woman in compliance with the sin she committed. The stone signified doing justice of God so that anyone who would do so shall be entitled to enforce the law by God. And that was the question Jesus was asking. "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her (as she was proven guilty)". His voice was like the sound of thunder to the ones listening to Him.
1. As the woman was proven guilty, they looked for the righteous person to enforce the punishment.
2. There is no righteous person who is entitled to stone the sinner
- Though there was a sinner, no one there was able to claim himself as a righteous man whose righteousness can be proven before Jesus so as to stone the sinner.
3. We are all sinners
- Though we shout out saying we are not sinners, no one stands unblemished before God, who is like the sunlight, and the laws and decrees of Him.
4. There is no righteous person before the law
- There was a sinner but not a judge.
5. Jesus came to save us
- Jesus, who is God by nature, did not come to judge people but to save lives.
Jesus ruled as saying, "Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.”
6. We live every day as a judge, condemning our neighbors
- What they must realize is that they will be judged as they judge others and stand judgment before the Lord of judgment.
7. We should meet Jesus who gives the grace of forgiveness
- At the time of Jesus' second coming when the ages of grace is over, however, He will stand as the fearful Lord of judgment showing no forgiveness.