The law that reaps what one sows
(Galatians 6:7-9)
We have heard of the proverb from the childhood that says "One reaps what one sows. And if nothing is sown the field will be full of weeds". And this law that reaps what one sows does not simply exist in the nature. That's what' actually happening in the field of our heart.
1. Word is the seed of life

- We reap and sow the seed of our fate with the word that comes out of our lips.
1) God created the world through His word
2) As God is Spirit, humans are also created as spiritual beings in God's image and form.
3) Humans also create and change the world of themselves through words.
2. Thoughts create dreams: dream, word: environment

- The thoughts of one's heart create dreams and our lips speak according to the dreams making the environment of life and fate.
1) Those whose hearts are seized by the devil in the world speak the language of the devil and create the world of the devil.
2) If one is filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, he comes to speak the language of heaven and paves the way of the heaven.
3. The seed that we plant

1) The seed and word of Jesus’ redemption on the cross: Five-fold gospel and three-fold blessings.
2) We ought to plant as follows;
① Think in absolute positivity
② Keep the hopeful dreams in your heart
③ Believe and do not doubt
④ Command through your lips
The law that reaps what one sows is applied to not only the materialistic world but also the spiritual world in the same way. The Bible is the seed that God gave to us. If we sow the seed of God's Word in the field of our heart, we will reap amazing fruits. We are reaping what we sowed in the past and the seed we sow today will become the fruit of the future.