Fight the battle already won
(Joshua 1:1-9)
God told Joshua that He had already given the land of Canaan to him. The gentiles in Canaan were already defeated by God as He incapacitated them. He told Joshua to fight the war, take, and own the land by winning the war God had already won. He said to be strong, courageous, not to be terrified either afraid and win the battle that God had already won to take the land.
1. The spiritual Canaan given through the Cross
- God has taken away the spiritual Canaan from the Devil 100% through the Cross at Calvary.
The Lord tells us to take possession of the land by fighting a war which He already won * (Mt. 11:12)
1) The Lord has won over sins and inequities.
- Since received forgiveness and righteousness as a gift through faith, now we go fighting and own the victory.
2) Disease is an enemy God has already won over. Fight and take.
3) Curse and poverty are also an enemy God has already won over.
4) Death and Hades are also an enemy God has already won over. Fight and occupy.
- God told the Israelites more than three times to take heart, not to be afraid, win the battle that God had already won, and occupy the land of Canaan.
2. The difference between David and Saul
1) King Saul challenged by Goliath
① He predicted defeat with his appraisal on Goliath from a human perspective
② He was dismayed and terrified. ③ He confessed defeat.
2) David's behavior
① He knew that God had already given him victory.
② He equated Goliath with bears and lions, seeing it from God's perspective.
③ He boldly proclaimed victory.
3. What should we do?
1) We ought to know the victory of redemption on the Cross.
2) Regard your enemies as an already defeated one.
3) Believe that God has already given us victory: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid either dismayed.
4) Proclaim the words of God.
- We will surely win as we are fighting against the enemy that the Lord has already won over.
We will be abandoned for sure if we are of no knowledge, dreams, faith in miracles. Otherwise, we are terrified, speak of defeat or shrink back. March forward with confidence that victory is mine.