Live keeping the word in your heart
(2 Corinthians 4:7-11)

The devil dwells in an empty heart. It makes a camp at such a heart, turning one's life into ruins.

1. When we invite the Lord as our master
1) One's heart becomes a refuge and fortress, in which one trusts.
2) Though we are hard pressed on every side, the Lord sweeps over His enemies.
- As the castle Dothan was surrounded by angels, the Holy Spirit embraces us under His wings. Dream, believe, and proclaim.

2. Perplexed because of no way to be solved
1) Do not give up when fear and disappointment sweep over us.
- Though you may lose your heart, do not give up. His precious words keep us.
2)?There are the words of consolation (Psalm 23:4-5)

3. Even without shelter due to persecution
1) Being with God, one does not care even though abandoned.
2) Believe and say that God is my refuge and fortress, whom I trust in.
3) The grace of God helps us overcome everything (Psalm 91:10-12)

4. We are not destroyed even when struck down
1) The death and resurrection of Jesus become my redemption.
2) We become one with Jesus.
The Word is Jesus, the Son of God. If one loves, believes, and relies on the Word, it is like loving, believing, and relying on Jesus. Therefore, living with the Word kept in one's heart is like living with a jar of clay filled with treasures.