Almighty God
(Isaiah 40:12)
God whom we believe is the Almighty one who created the whole universe and controls it. Isaiah made a confession on the Almighty God as follows.

1. Who am I?
1) Where did I came from; and
2) For what am I living? and
3) Where will I go eventually?
2. I was born to be loved.
1) The exceedingly great love of God
2) The love of parents
3) Good Samaritan
3. Above all else, guard your heart.
1) As the Almighty God protects me, there is nothing to worry.
2) Do not fear anything except God - Job and fear.
3) Everything works for the good - Give thanks in all circumstances.
Those who love God with their hearts filled with gratitude are the blessed. Imagine how you would like to be when you die. Do you think status, honor, power, or money will help you? When we see the door to everlasting paradise flung open beyond the old world, angels coming to greet us, and God standing on His throne smiling at us, that is the everlasting joy and happiness. ?