(Psalm 139:2-4)

We have both close friends and hateful enemies. What is surprising is that those hateful enemies could be our relatives or the dearest friends who turned into enemies. Enemies exist not only in human relationship but also in politics, for instance, the two Koreas divided and hostile to each other. For faithful people, the Devil and ghosts are spiritual enemies. When we are in pain due to those enemies, we want to revenge and sometimes pray that God punishes our enemies. However, taking revenge belongs to God.

1. Leave your revenge to God's hand

: As we leave our wearisome burdens to God, God also tells us to leave our revenge to God's hand
1) Though we were once enemies against God, we have reconciled with God through Jesus and became His children.
2) Do not take revenge yourself but leave your revenge to God's hand (Romans 12:19-20)
3) Do not be defeated by evil but overcome evil with good.
① Pray to God so that He sets the injustice right for us.
② Bless our enemies in the name of the Lord - boomerang effect.

2. Look not upon your enemy but God your protector

1) Elisha and Dothan - when the king of Aram sent his horses, chariots, and strong force to surround Dothan where Elisha was, God sent horses and chariots of fire to surround and protect Elisha. Knowing that, Elisha said, "Do not fear. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
2) We ought to realize that when an enemy approaches, God prepares a table with sumptuous feast before us in the presence of our enemies. -"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."

We cannot help but encounter various forms of enemies in life as we are living in the world where the Devil possesses power. If we march forward relying on God in everything we do, even our enemies who put us in pain will eventually help us grow our faith. Therefore, we ought to leave our revenge to God's hand not alone wearisome burdens of life. Furthermore, we ought to overcome evil with good by giving blessings to our enemies. We could do so since we have a firm belief that God is our protector and He will prepare a table for us before our enemies.