Jesus who is the light of life
(1 John 1:5-10)

When God created the heaven and the earth, He created light first. Light is the basis of all the living beings. In the spiritual world, Jesus said He is the light of the world. To the world conquered and governed by the darkness, Jesus came as the light saving the world.
1. The light of Jesus destroys the darkness
1) The king of darkness is the devil. When the light of Jesus shines, darkness disappears.
2) The light of Jesus destroys the works of the devil.
① The light of good news to the poor ② The light of freedom and liberation to the captives
③ The light of healing to the oppressed ④ The light of God's mercy, compassion, and love
2. There is life in the light of Jesus
1) The devil brings about sins, inequities, diseases, pain, curses, poverty, death, and destruction. The devil is the king of darkness and the basis of all kinds of pain.
2) As Jesus is the light of life, the devil, the darkness, cannot stand before the light. The light of Jesus destroys any fruit of darkness and gives us life to the full.
3) He shines the light of life to us on the Cross at Calvary.
① The light of forgiveness and righteousness
② The light of holiness and fullness of the Spirit
③ The light of healing and soundness
④ The light of blessings and prosperity
⑤ The light of resurrection, eternal life, and heaven
3. The light of Jesus lightens the way that we go
1) Do not walk in step with the wicked
2) Do stand in the way that sinners take
3) Do sit in the company of mockers
4. The light of Jesus delivers us
1) It gives freedom to us out of sins
2) It helps us enjoy the true meaning and value of life by making us communicate with God.
3) It helps us be released from death and nothingness and enjoy true happiness and joy.
Those who are with Jesus no longer belong to darkness but dwell in the center of light. They enjoy faith, hope, love, righteousness, peace, joy, and happiness and lead a bright and clean life in communication with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.