Continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of
(2 Timothy 3:14)
1. Find and be convinced of your identity
* The identity of the unbeliever - guilt and condemnation, futility and meaninglessness, death and nothingness
1) Finding the new identity in Jesus (2 Co 5:17)
① Finding your identity in gaining forgiveness and righteousness and taking part in God's glory
② Finding your identity in engaging oneself in the character of God through the fullness of the Holy Spirit and leading a holy life
③ Finding your identity in getting healed of mind and flesh
④ Finding your identity in getting blessings released from curses and poverty
⑤ Finding your identity in becoming a people in the Kingdom of God
2) Being assured of one's identity (1 Peter 2:9)
① A chosen people
② A royal priesthood
③ A holy nation
④ God’s special possession
2. Change your environment in a positive manner
1) Rely on the Holy Spirit, the Counselor actively
2) Think about and speak of the fourth-dimensional spirituality
① Positive thoughts
② A dream with a purpose
③ Faith
④ Creative proclamation
3. Do the highest good
1) Love without religion is a worthless burden.
2) The love of Good Samaritan
Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances.