The Abundant Life and the Deficient Life
(Romans 8:28)

1. God who does not make our life deficit
1) Adam and Eve lived a rich and surplus in terms of spirit, material well-being, and health.
- Their lives were turned into deficit as they listened to the devil, did not believe in and disobeyed the words of God, and rebelled against God being driven away from Eden.
2) Adam's deficit life without God
① Spiritual life gone dead ② Ground cursed ③ Eve subjected to the pain of pregnancy
④ Adam having to toil and moil to make ends meet ⑤ Conflicts have emerged between spouses and brothers
⑥ Despair of disease and death came to people
2. Deficit life of Israel released from Egypt
1) 10 spies in Kadesh Barnea and the people of Israel following them
① Disbelief and disobedience to God's promise and command
② Their negative thoughts and attitude toward life
2) The surplus life of Joshua and Caleb
① Complete obedience to the promises and commands of God
② Their positive thoughts and attitude toward life
3. Are our lives surplus or deficit?
- In our lives, we go through numerous trials and sufferings. In the midst of these, however, we could turn our lives into surplus or deficit.
1) In order to turn our lives into surplus, look to the Cross and live a life of faith and obedience.
① forgiveness and righteousness ② holiness and purity and the fullness of the Holy Spirit
③ Being healthy and sound in body and mind ④ The blessings of Abraham
⑤ Resurrection and the Kingdom in heaven
2) Keep your mind positive at all times, not negative.
① Think about, dream, believe in, and speak about hopes always.
② Look on the sunny side of your life and circumstances.
③ Get rid of desperation, despair, and fear. Look to the positive and bright side of life.
It is because the Almighty God s alive and He is the one who makes sure that everything works for the good of us.
3) The life that God wants us to lead
① Be joyful all the time - think about great thinks to happen
② Pray constantly - God who answers our prayer requests is almighty.
③ Give thanks in all circumstances - We ought to take a long-term view and give thanks.