The Environment of Life is to Make Rather Than to Be Given
(Genesis 1:26-28)

As man is created in God's image and likeness, one’s spirit possesses the power of creation. Our thoughts can change and renew the circumstances surrounding us while our dream can create a world stunning and amazing to us. Our faith makes the impossible possible and our words act as a measure to change the heaven and the earth. ?

1. Changing me also changes the circumstances
1) Change your thoughts
① Meeting with Jesus changes us.
② Reading the Word of God and praying to Him change us
③ Living with the help of the Holy Spirit changes us.
2) Jesus is the vine tree and I am a branch attached to the tree.
- Change occurs through the grace of Jesus.
2. Having a dream brings about changes
1) Dreams or fantasies that come from God directly
2) My dreams for the future
3. Do not fear but have faith
1) Fear gives rise to the control of the devil.
2) Be strong and courageous relying on the love of the Lord.
3) The power of words - we worship, wage a war, and even create things through words.

We ought to change ourselves first in order to bring changes to the circumstances in our lives. By changing our thoughts, having a dream, believing in and speaking of it, we can ensure that the power of the fourth-dimension manifests itself.