I look at my self-image
(2Co. 5:16-17)

I think about and look at an image of myself free from sin and faults, healed from diseases and suffering, blessed, prosperous, a resurrected member of the kingdom of heaven.

1. The old self and its image
1) Enslaved to sin and faults
2) Diseased and suffering
3) A life that is poor and cursed (Gen. 3:17-18)
4) An image that has been abandoned and left dead (Rom. 5:12, 6:23)

2. The incorrect law of visualization
1) Looking at your self-image
2) Feeling worried, disappointed and discouraged (Num. 13:31-33, 14:2-3)
3) If we lament and say sad words ? that image becomes a reality

3. A new creation born again in Christ
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
1) A person born again, Anosen ? A person reborn, born from above (Jn. 3:3-5)
2) Believe with your heart, confess with your mouth (Rom. 10:10)
3) A person that the Holy Spirit resides in (Jn. 14:16-18)
4) A person that Jesus resides in ? Treasure in jars of clay (2 Cor. 4:7-9)

Look at an image of yourself with light, hope, joy and thankfulness. Believe that you have become a new creation. And proclaim it and sing it.