Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry
(Eph. 4:26)

Anger is like a flame. When we get angry or become wrathful, the anger becomes a flame which is lit in our hearts spouting even more anger. If we do not calm our anger and continue to hold it in, it will lead us to sin. If we stay angry even after the sun goes down, the devil will use the opportunity to come in and we will experience a great injury.

1. When we become angry, we sin

1) The airplane peanut incident which has recently become a sensational topic on the newspaper is an incident that resulted from anger which could not be controlled
2) The incident of a day care teacher using her fist to beat young children was also an incident that resulted from anger which could not be controlled
3) According to a report by the Harvard University Graduate School of Public Health, anger increases the chances of stroke, heart attack and other disorders. If we get angry more than five times a day, it is dangerous for our health.
4) If we sleep while we are angry, the amount of misfortune in our heart increases and negative emotions are worsened (Eph. 4:26-27)

2. Anger brings about painful consequences

1) When we get angry, our vision is reduced and it raises the chance for us to get into accidents while we drive. Our understanding also fades.
2) If we eat while angry, our digestive ability is reduced so that we experience diarrhea and constipation and we start looking for foods high in sugar, raising our blood sugar level so that we experience problems with our health.
3) Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple (Job. 5:2)

3. How not to stay angry or get mad

1) Think immediately about the cross of Jesus and pray that He would wash our hearts with His blood (1 John 1:9).
2) A cheerful heart is good medicine, a crushed spirit dries up the bones * (Proverbs 17:22)
(Prob. 17:22)

In the prison at Philippi, Paul and Silas overcame their anger by praying and singing hymns to God. (Act. 16:25-26)