What must our heart be like?
(1 Thess. 5:16-18)

Proverbs writes that the heart is the fountain of life. From our hearts the fountain of life flows allowing us to stay away from evil, avoid the path of sin, get rid of our greed, and stay away from pride. If our hearts are disturbed then our language, judgment, and actions will all lose focus and become a mess.

1. Rejoice always
1) Sin is atoned for and our faults are washed away so that we may be made righteous and holy and the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and makes it a temple and resides in us, so how joyful we are!
2) Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering.
By his wounds we are healed, so we will be filled with joy and happiness (Matt. 4:23-24).
3) We are freed from curses and our minds and bodies experience freedom so we will be filled with joy and happiness (Gal. 3:13)
4) We are freed from death and destruction so we can live in heaven. How can we not be happy!(John 14:2-3)

2. Pray continually
1) We pray and ask for a positive mind
2) We pray for creative souls and seed sowing hearts.
3) So that God’s grace and mercy may hold us
4) So that God may brightly illuminate a hope-filled dream
5) So that heaven’s truth and glory may be illuminated ? we must pray a foundational prayer using fourth dimensional spirituality and pray necessary prayers with that anointing(Jer. 33:3)(Matt. 21:22)

3. Give thanks in all circumstances
1) When good things happen in the journey of our lives we must immediately give thanks.
(Luke 6:38)
2) If we give thanks to God when bad things happen, God changes the bad and makes it good.
(Gen. 50:20-21).
3) Thanksgiving glorifies God. (Ps. 50:23)
-The thanksgiving of Paul and Silas in the prison at Philippi and the earthquake. (Acts 16:25-26)

If our heart is the fountain of life, we must make joy and thanksgiving constantly overflow. If we carry the cross and Jesus, dream dreams, have faith, and boldly proclaim creative proclamations, the Holy Spirit will give us miracles of creation and change.